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My computer keyboard look scruffy and old but works perfectly and is more comfortable to use than others I have owned. It's wireless and part of a set (keyboard, mouse and USB dongle) I don't want to replace the whole lot. In any case I can't remember the model and it isn't labelled.

The problem is that the letters have worn off the most used keys. I am a fast two-finger typist but have to glance down. I am making more and more typos.


I hope to renew the lettering on my keyboard but haven't come up with a satisfactory method.

Transfers? I don't think they would last a week.

Paint new letters on? I don't have the brush skills to paint new, white letters on the keys. I'd like the letters to look nice or at least not scribbled.

enter image description herephoto of my keyboard

My computer keyboard look scruffy and old but works perfectly and is more comfortable to use than others I have owned. It's wireless and part of a set (keyboard, mouse and USB dongle) I don't want to replace the whole lot. In any case I can't remember the model and it isn't labelled.

The problem is that the letters have worn off the most used keys. I am a fast two-finger typist but have to glance down. I am making more and more typos.


I hope to renew the lettering on my keyboard but haven't come up with a satisfactory method.

Transfers? I don't think they would last a week.

Paint new letters on? I don't have the brush skills to paint new, white letters on the keys. I'd like the letters to look nice or at least not scribbled.

enter image description here

My computer keyboard look scruffy and old but works perfectly and is more comfortable to use than others I have owned. It's wireless and part of a set (keyboard, mouse and USB dongle) I don't want to replace the whole lot. In any case I can't remember the model and it isn't labelled.

The problem is that the letters have worn off the most used keys. I am a fast two-finger typist but have to glance down. I am making more and more typos.


I hope to renew the lettering on my keyboard but haven't come up with a satisfactory method.

Transfers? I don't think they would last a week.

Paint new letters on? I don't have the brush skills to paint new, white letters on the keys. I'd like the letters to look nice or at least not scribbled.

photo of my keyboard

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I like my computer keyboard but the letters have nearly worn off

My computer keyboard look scruffy and old but works perfectly and is more comfortable to use than others I have owned. It's wireless and part of a set (keyboard, mouse and USB dongle) I don't want to replace the whole lot. In any case I can't remember the model and it isn't labelled.

The problem is that the letters have worn off the most used keys. I am a fast two-finger typist but have to glance down. I am making more and more typos.


I hope to renew the lettering on my keyboard but haven't come up with a satisfactory method.

Transfers? I don't think they would last a week.

Paint new letters on? I don't have the brush skills to paint new, white letters on the keys. I'd like the letters to look nice or at least not scribbled.

enter image description here