My lunch bag got wet at work today. It has a flexible plastic lining, inside a fabric bag. It must also have something between the plastic and the fabric to keep its box-like shape. It's about 12" x 8" x 6". The brand is Embark.
I dried out the inside with paper towels, but I want to dry the whole thing thoroughly before I use it tomorrow morning.
How can I dry my bag completely overnight?
I currently have it in the refrigerator, even though water evaporates more slowly at colder temperatures, because refrigerators remove moisture from the air as they cool it.
I don't want to put my bag in my clothes dryer, because I'm afraid the heat would melt the plastic lining. I am not sure if a "cool" or "tumble only" setting would damage the shape of the bag or the plastic lining.
I thought about placing the bag in front of an air conditioning output vent, since that air is especially dry, but they're up near the ceiling and very hard to access.