I have a doppler foldable umbrella but it broke after few years of good service. Each of its "arms"(is this the right term in English?) has three foldable parts and the thing that broke is the third part of one of them. It seems it the metal got rusty and with time it broke. This is my best effort of a picture where it broke
I have a second older umbrella that is the same so I thought I could take this part from it. However I am having trouble dismantling the junction(don't know the right name in English). Here are two photos from both sides of it
and .
I need to remove the small metallic bit holding the two black parts. These pictures also show a different angle of where the umbrella broke.
My idea is to take apart this bit on both umbrellas and carefully cut the threads holding the fabric on both umbrellas. Then I will replace the broken part with a good one from the other umbrella and I sew the fabric back. I think I will need to use wire or something similar to fix the joint.
Does anyone have an advice on how to dismantle such junction? Do you have any other idea of how to repair my broken umbrella?