I love chocolate "coins" - that is, foil covered chocolates in the shape of coins. Unfortunately I both like to look at the coins as well as eat the chocolate. My problem is, once I open the foil to eat the chocolate, I am not longer able to hold the "coin" in my hand and despite my efforts to carefully open the foil and then put it back together I rarely succeed in anything that looks near as good as the original.
I know this may seem silly, but I am looking for some hack that will allow me to extract the chocolate without losing the shape of the coin, to give the appearance that the foil still contains something inside it. Better yet if I could somehow inject something back into the foil that would harden and retain the original feel.
Yes, I could just never open the coins, but then all the chocolate could go to waste. I could also just buy real gold coins, but I don't have the money.