I have some glasses which are a couple of years old which have a strange cloudy haze circling the middle of the glasses.
I had this problem on my previous glasses, so bought some new ones. After about 6 months, the cloudy haze started showing up on my new glasses too.
I've read online/watched youtube videos on different ways to solve this problem, but no one seems to replicate the issue I have. They all talk about removing scratches. These are not scratches, they are a cloud/haze of some sort.
I suspect the cause is dry wiping the glasses on tshirts over and over, so I have thus stopped doing that. Some online suggest it's to do with the anti-glare film they put on the glasses, but i'm unsure if that is the case as these are clouds, not scratches.
I have uploaded a photo. Look towards the centre and you will see a milky ghost like haze near the centre. When you put them in, it's as if they are permantly fogged up in those areas. Really annoying.
Is there a way to remove them or am I just going to have to bite the bullet and buy a new pair (again!)?
I should mention that I now clean my glasses with eye glasses cleaner and either a lens clother or a microbifre cloth. I've just started with the microfibre in hopes that it will improve, but hasn't.