Catch leaking hot engine oil BEFORE it does any damage.
For a few dollars you can get a shoe drip tray for half the cost of an automotive drip tray which you can slip under your problematic oil leak when and where you stop. They come in various sizes. You may decide that two small drip tray is better than a big one.
Take the tray(s) with you when you go. It's small enough to sit in the trunk or back seat when you're under way. Reposition it under the leak when you arrive at your destination.
Probably you don't lose enough with a small leak to overflow the lip and paper towels might be enough to clean up the tray on occasion.
A single can of clear (why not black) matte acrylic aerosol spray is about $12 +/-.
Ask yourself—Is this stuff stable enough to reject hot oil? How many coats will you need to do what is not recommended by the manufacturer to do what you want? How will stuff you put on asphalt change how it matches uncoated asphalt? How much area should you cover to allow for parking-position variation? What if someone or something prevents you from using your prepared space? After you finish, how will you clean/dissolve/remove/pick up/suck the stuff up from the porous irregular and pitted surface of an asphalt driveway? And what if it doesn't work creating a worse mix of materials? Is that within your control?