Our entire kitchen and dining room has been removed from our house. It's gonna take 5 weeks to rebuild and in the meantime, we don't wanna blow money eating out the whole time.

We have:

bathroom sinks (hot and cold)
outdoor spigots (cold only)
a few tables and some plasticware

How can we cook/eat/clean in a way that makes sense for this arrangement? Family of 4.

1 Answer 1


To cook anything, you need a heat source. A few options immediately come to mind - either indoor electric appliances, or an outdoor grill. A hot plate is essentially a small, portable, one- or two-burner electric stove. Set it up on a spare table in another room to replicate your stove. You could also use a slow cooker or toaster oven, which are other heat sources that just require an available electric outlet. Alternatively, you could use an outdoor grill as a heat source, giving you a bit more variety in your cooking options. Each of these options are all relatively inexpensive, and would certainly be a net positive if the alternative is 5 weeks of restaurant bills.

The other major detriment of losing the kitchen is the difficulty of doing dishes. You could use disposable plates/cups/flatware to avoid doing most dishes, but you'll still need a way to clean pots/pans/kitchen utensils. Doing dishwashing in the bathroom sink or shower isn't ideal due to potential for cross-contamination with all the nasty things living there. You may be best off washing dishes outside with a hose, or using the hot tap in the bathroom to fill a bucket and doing the dishes outside - be sure to use biodegradable dish soap for camping.

  • 3
    A simple microwave oven is also inexpensive and will greatly expand your possibilities. Same for an electric kettle if you don't already have one (instant hot drinks, instant noodles, instant soups etc).
    – MiG
    Commented Jun 30, 2022 at 6:02
  • 2
    Less common in regular US stores, but common in Asian supermarkets are portable butane gas stoves that are suitable for indoor use. If you find a hot plate insufficient as a stove replacement, you might consider one of these.
    – pboss3010
    Commented Jun 30, 2022 at 19:55

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