I want to buy chili peppers, dry them and grind them. I would use the powder as a spice for food, over a long(er) period of time.
Everything is simple and straightforward, except the grinding part. I do not want to use the coffee grinder that I already have (I would hate to have chili coffee, chili sugar and chili anything else), and I would also not want to buy another grinder just for chili peppers.
I am open to ideas. The grinding does not have to be perfect, but the size of the "granules" should be small enough - I need only very little usually, I do not like the food too spicy.
Mortar and pestle are probably even more expensive (and surely more difficult to use) than an electric grinder.
Mincing the peppers while fresh could be an alternative - but how? I do not have a mincing machine because I did not really need one in more than 5 years.