Simple! You're looking for Home Automation. It's rather all the rage right now, as "The Internet of Things" becomes the buzzword for marketers over the next couple of years.
But it's not really that new; I remember having a system in the 1970s when I lived with my folks where they had a box with several buttons on the bedside table and could turn lights and certain other appliances on or off with it. In those days, and assuming I'm recalling it correctly, these systems worked by sending an RF signal through the home's electrical system. Here's a photo of a device not unlike my parent's:

With the advent of widespread networking protocols, cheap microprocessors, and cheap (!??!) software developers (perhaps I should say "the ubiquitous development of software" instead, because not ALL programmers are as underpaid as I am), you can now control more devices, perhaps, soon, virtually ALL devices in your home and garage, from your laptop or smartphone.
Here's an example of someone who's "rolled his own" Bluetooth solution:
But there are plenty of commercial options available. So, you should be able to plug your phone in to charge overnight beside your bed, hop in, press the screen a few times, and "LIGHTS OUT" ... :-)