I am sure your problem is fixed, but i it happens again take this advice too: It's true plumbers are sometimes quite expensive, and anyway, with corona around these days, it wouldn't be a good idea to call them either. I have an interesting solution that doesn't involve a plunger nor drain cleaning bladder, but a type of liquid that has non organic salts (these do the job). You can find it in some supermarkets, and if you are extremely lucky in a pharmacy, you can also make the liquid yourself! just buy some inorganic powerfull salt and mix it with a liter of water (per 1-15grams depending the salt). I you make or buy this liquid, you put some in the toilet, and let it there for some minutes (it works BEST i you leave it the whole night) and then wash away with hot (HOT NOT COLD) water... Problem solved :-) Now if you don't have anything like a plunger nor a Frain cleaning bladder nor this liquid and not even the salts to make it, and you're in a rush, I'm afraid you'll have to use bair hands (yuck!). I hope you never get to such point. Do take in mind, that if you leave a bathroom or anything clogged, it can burst in any moment, I tell you because my friend experienced it unfortunatley, (wondering why?) he didn´t have a plunger nor nothing, I told him to use my liquid as he lives close to me but he was sceptical for it and decided not to use it, when the next week he came around for dinner, as if by magic the toilet got clogged, and I said come around... He went and I put the liquid. We had dinner and I told him "now I'll boil the water and prepare to be impressed and to believe me" I took the water, and in less than 2 seconds after I threw it mostly in, it was "unclogged" so I flushed the ater and problem solved, He later even asked me where on Earth could he buy that! I hope I helped you here. I'm sorry for it to have been such a long answer.