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Hacks related to the maintaining, [cleaning], and repairing of cars and other consumer vehicles.

-1 votes

What can I use instead of a screw

My friend, there is no hack, you go find a screw. Go online, go to the manufactures site, go to a local electronics store or see if you can find a screw around your house that will fit. Anything other …
Jon's user avatar
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3 votes

How to open a frozen car door?

It maybe that it was a warm day, or more commonly your car got some sunshine that melted some snow or ice on the car and then it refroze when the water found the cooler spot in the deeper door recess. … So keeping your car out of the sun on a cool day will help prevent this. Often you will find that just one side of your car suffers, so like you tried the passenger door may not be so iced up. …
Jon's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I know if my car tires have enough air without a guage?

Thump them like truck drivers do with a small bat or hammer. They will make a different sound if they are low, you can also look at how squat they are. Look at the tread and how it is wearing. Over in …
Jon's user avatar
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3 votes

How to keep the windshield from freezing over?

While I am not sure how well this will work with icing problems, try a product called glass wax. It is good for keeping moisture and bugs from sticking to the window, and may just be effective enough …
Jon's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I add oil to a car without a funnel?

Modern plastic 1 quart oil bottles have the funnel built in. In the old days of one quart cans of oil, you either used a spout or opened the can with a can opener and poured into a funnel. You will n …
Jon's user avatar
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0 votes

Removing ice from the windshield

Water and vinegar on the windshield is supposed to de-ice a windshield. Origins: Claims about using a mixture of vinegar and water to remove ice from a car's windshield hit the Internet ever …
Jon's user avatar
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0 votes

How can I carry a refrigerator with a Mercury Sable 2001 (aka Taurus)?

You need to get at least four healthy strong people to get it on the car. You get a couple of long pieces of material like 2x4's or 4x4 lumber. … for long enough to get it on the car. …
Jon's user avatar
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13 votes

How can I more quickly warm up the interior of my car during winter?

It will get your car warmer quicker then anything. Modern fuel injected gas vehicles do not need long warm up times to run properly and safely with the proper oil and anti-freeze. …
Jon's user avatar
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15 votes

What is the quickest way to defog car windows?

Since the fog comes from moisture inside the car a simple solution is to dehumidify the car by filling an old sock with kitty litter and placing it inside the car in an inconspicuous place like under a … Simply put some cat litter in a sock, leave it in your car and you'll be on the road without delay every time. …
Jon's user avatar
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7 votes

How can you get your car as cool as possible on a hot summer day without air conditioning?

However the way to have a car as cool as possible is to keep the car cooler when you are parked. Park in the shade if possible. … Leave windows cracked, or open if your car is in a safe place and use a solar shield in the windshield. …
Jon's user avatar
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