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A tool exists but you don't have it. Use this tag when searching for a substitute for a tool you don't have.

10 votes
5 answers

What is a good makeshift coin holder or organizer?

I have loose change that I empty out each day on my dresser. The change always seems to get in the way when I need to use the dresser to write on paper. I'd like to find a way to organize the change s …
1 vote

How to clean glass without glass cleaner?

All you need is water and dish washing liquid (preferably Dawn). Just do like one to two little squirts of dish washing liquid per gallon of water. Works great. Don't use paper towels! They can scrat …
CRABOLO's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to glue wood pieces together nicely without clamps?

I'm trying to nicely glue together several pieces of wood like pictured below. The tool for this job is a clamp or multiple clamps. I don't have a clamp though. Is there some other way to nicely glue …
15 votes

How can I add oil to a car without a funnel?

You could grab like 1 or more pieces of paper, stacked together, and make your own funnel/backboard like mechanism. If you have cardboard paper, I'd use that, since it's stronger. You could use tape t …
Alex's user avatar
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0 votes

What is a good makeshift coin holder or organizer?

A craft idea I have is to cut 4 or so old socks, probably right around the ankle part. Then take some string or rope, and cut some small holes in the socks for the string to pass through. Slide the st …
CRABOLO's user avatar
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