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How to save the water wasted while waiting for the shower to heat up?

This solution only works if you have a separate bathtub in your bathroom. I'm pretty sure that all the water for your bathroom (shower, sink, toilet tank, bathtub) comes from the water heater to your ...
BrettFromLA's user avatar
  • 11.6k
6 votes

What can I do to automate shaking of a sauce bottle?

Your solution can be as simple as two muffin tins in an appropriate size. As you fill each plastic sauce bottle, put it into the muffin tin. When the muffin tin is full, put another tin upside down ...
Stan's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I automatically open my chicken coop door in the morning?

I ended up using a power antenna from an old Volvo in the scrap yard. When it extends, the door opens, and when it retracts, the door closes. The antenna is powered by a 12V AC adapter, while the ...
adamdport's user avatar
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3 votes

how to pull out shaft from pulley of wheel

Not exactly a hack, but if you can support the bearing, ideally on the inner race, and press on the shaft (an arbor press is probably enough leverage), the bearing will come off. These bearings are ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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Physics laboratory setup for fluid dynamics experiments

A fair number of laboratories use toys like Fischer Technik or Lego in simple experimental setups. You could use them or similar, modular equipment to build a frame that connects 2 stirrers with an ...
Elmy's user avatar
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Physics laboratory setup for fluid dynamics experiments

if you don't want to insert a stirring implement of some sort, you could spin the entire container, it'd just take a long time for the liquid to get up to speed. Measuring the speed of the stirrer is ...
Hobbes's user avatar
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What can I do to automate shaking of a sauce bottle?

There are people who build their own shakers and from the looks of it, all you need is a motor (or a tool like a drill), a wheel and an arm with a joint that translate the rotation into oscillation. ...
Elmy's user avatar
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2 votes

Keep motion sensor on

How about a drinking bird toy? (Image from Wikimedia)
Dave Gremlin's user avatar
2 votes

Keep motion sensor on

The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind Lifehack Hang a balloon or something like a streamer of ribbon near the motion sensor and use a small fan (battery or AC powered) to keep the object moving long ...
Stan's user avatar
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2 votes

Keep motion sensor on

England Swings Like A Pendulum Do Lifehack Pack a small weight with a string attached. It should provide enough motion to keep the lights on for a bit longer than a couple of minutes depending on the ...
Stan's user avatar
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1 vote

How to paint a circle pattern on a big piece of paper

Find something, like a jar or tin can, that has a 60mm diameter and dip it in a shallow tray of paint then press it onto the paper. If the cans are cheap, glue several together (hot melt glue gun?) ...
Caius Jard's user avatar
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How to paint a circle pattern on a big piece of paper

The fastest method: in a drawing program, create an A0-sized document and draw the circles where you want them. I'd draw one circle, copy it, then copy both of them until you have one row, then copy/...
Hobbes's user avatar
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What can I do to automate shaking of a sauce bottle?

Pack all the bottles securely in a box. Shake the box. Forty 40ml bottles will only weigh a few pounds, and unless these bottles need serious shaking, an automated rig seems like overkill - surely you ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
1 vote

What can I do to automate shaking of a sauce bottle?

If you have to shake those bottle only once, do it manually. If you have to do that every day, then it is more convenient to build an "agitating" rig. Attach a platform to 4 wheels, ...
virolino's user avatar
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What can I do to automate shaking of a sauce bottle?

Even a large number of 40ml bottles will weigh less than a load of wet washing, and I presume the lid is very secure (I guess it must be to give you confidence to attach them to a sawzall) you could ...
Caius Jard's user avatar
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How to turn on the motion sensor controlled light when you're in the toilet?

I had the same problem in school and found out that on some motion sensors there is a little switch to set the light to always on. So it was in my school, I don't know if it is in your toilet. Don't ...
Janik-ux's user avatar

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