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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

Hacks related to privacy; the personal information of someone, protecting this information, and avoiding unwanted distribution
6 questions
Hacks related to zip fasteners, including maintenance, repair and cleaning.
6 questions
Hacks related to the December holiday Christmas: decorating, gift-giving, etc.
6 questions
Hacks for sharpening, storing, or otherwise relating to knives.
6 questions
5 questions
Tips and tricks to be used for the benefit of children, or by the children themselves. Tag for questions involving children and infants.
5 questions
5 questions
Hacks involving the manipulation of grease (Applying, removing, etc.)
5 questions
4 questions
4 questions
Hacks about riding, fixing or maintaining vehicles such as cars and motorcycles.
4 questions
Hacks related to the storage and preservation of coins and paper money. **NOT for hacks related to saving money.**
4 questions
Hacks related to toys: storing, organizing, and cleaning.
4 questions
4 questions
Hacks related to the application, removal, etc. of make up.
4 questions
Hacks related to shopping in supermarkets. Includes efficiency of shopping and moving purchases home.
4 questions
Questions having any sexually related topic
4 questions
3 questions
Hacks regarding the handling or reduction of waste.
3 questions
Questions about politics at the [office], within the [home], or related to public office.
2 questions
2 questions
For questions about hacks to prevent objects from vibrating.
2 questions
2 questions
Hacks related to the sale of item(s), such as hacks that prevent you from being scammed.
2 questions
Hacks related to Wi-Fi routers and other Wi-Fi devices.
2 questions
Hacks related to battling spring: maintenance of plants, battling spring weather, etc.
2 questions
Hack for usage and storage of contact lenses, or other problems involving contact lenses
1 question
Hacks related to radio, television, and any other broadcast media.
1 question
Hacks related to the holiday of Easter; celebrating the resurrection of Christ, egg hunts, decorations, etc.
1 question
Hacks related to the November holiday of Thanksgiving: decorating, cooking, etc.
1 question
Hacks related to the observance of the Jewish holiday Chanukah.
1 question
0 questions
0 questions
0 questions
0 questions
0 questions