@semperambroscus I would like to say, you should learn to love your hair and what was giving toogiven to you naturally, thats the real hack to learn. The
The hack to learn to love what you have and what you are and not to try and change your self because of what society forces upon us as beauty through advertisements. Because
Because that beauty is fake. Do
Do you know how many bald people are in the world that would wish to have what you have on top of your hair and you want to put chemicals in your hair that will actually kill your hair, your scalp and endanger your actual brain and can cause a huge amounts of long term health effects as you age. Do
Do some research and look at what chemicals are in those hair straighteners and you will see its poison and a lot of people who constantly use such products end up in the long run with horrible hair, bald spots, burns and etc. So
So love your hair bro that you were naturally born with and don't try andto change one of the unique aspects about your self because then you will just be like everyone else and won't stand out in life. Never
Never follow the herd, always try to stand out and if you follow that concept you will notice that you will shine and always pick up all types of different women because your look is different and not common like all the other dudes trying to follow each other. if
If you don't believe me then look at all the most successful dudes around, they all made sure they stood out and didn't follow the crowd.