There are two problems with the big water jug. First, it's gigantic and cumbersome. Second, the water doesn't pour out smoothly; it splashes everywhere and goesin an uncontrollable "glug glug glug" fashion.
user18894's siphon answer is probably easiest, but you can also use a standard water pitcher as an intermediate container. A water pitcher has a big open top, so it doesn't matter how inaccurately you pour from"inaccurately" the giant jug pours the water out. AOnce the water is in the manageable pitcher also, it has a spout that makes it easy to pour accurately into your small bottles.
It may be useful to use a funnel to pour the water from the pitcher into your water bottles. That will depend on the design of the water pitcher's spout, and on the size of you water bottles' necks.