Not sure there is one - I've got the same problem, but I store large (too big to put in ordinary cupboards), rarely used kitchen/dining items on top of the cupboards. Each one is wrapped in plastic, and about every 6-12 months (if I'm honest, its annually!) I take it all down, remove the sticky plastic bags, bin those and replace with new, then degrease and clean the tops of the cupboards. The presence of large, bagged items does at least significantly reduce the area of the cupboard top that collects grease, so that's an advantage.
I don't think I'd risk newspaper up there, just in case it does increase the fire hazard, especially for cupboards near the cooker, though I'm guessing greasy plastic bags on top of the cupboards might be considered a bit of a risk too, though perhapsbut probably not so much as newspaper. On the other hand, the grease that collects on top of the cupboards is presumably an increased fire hazard in and of itself.
The other option is to pay someone else to come in and clean the cupboard tops every six months or so, the way you might get someone in to clean the oven.