How does one efficiently clean-up up hair from sink and counter area after shaving or trimming beard?
After shaving, but more so trimming my beard (using electric trimmer), mustache, or trimming my hair a bit their, there is inevitably leftover hair to be cleaned up after the fact despite best efforts to contain the mess, such as crouching down over the sink and other methods I am intentionally not listing.
The clean-up process can end up taking longer than the actual grooming. I would like to find a more efficient way to clean it up so I do not leave little hairshair pieces remaining, nor should it take longer than shaving/trimming.
Taking into account I knowthat hair is more stubborn around any residue (soap, toothpaste, etc) , calking, and angles to easily bebeing cleaned up.
I already have tried the following:
- Using baby wipes (work best of what I have tried, but not good enough)
- Using Toilet Papertoilet paper
- Hot vs. Coldcold water doesn't seem to make a difference as far as getting the hair to bunch or attach to rag.
- Microfiber rag (damp and dry)
- Normal bathroom towel.
- Vacuuming is not a practical option, nor did using a dust buster hand vac the one time I tried it both to noise, convenience, and some hair will be wet.
I really want to focus the answers on the cleaning aspect, not prevention. I did not list every prevention I do or try method on purpose and some of them being listed will will simply transfer the problem that would again create cleaning problems. So focus on the 'cleaning' aspect please.