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How can Ito repair and clean traffic cones?

How tocan I repair and clean traffic cones?

weWe have gotsome short, and tall traffic cones. Some of them are out of maintenance, and neededneed to be get repaired & cleaned. The two big problemsquestions are:

  1. How can I clean the traffic cones?

  2. How can I repair the traffic cone's white bands?

SeemsThey look like thatthis:

traffic cones

As you can see, there are three types of traffic cones, from left to right as defined 1, 2, and 3, number. Number 1 is dirty,dirty; number two2 is both dirty and damaged,damaged; number three3 on the right is short and repaired temporarily.

dirty traffic cone

You can see the dirtiesdirty cones contain oil, dust, e.t.cetc. neededand need to be cleaned. Which product should I use without harming the plastic surface and it's colour.?

repaired traffic cone

To be clear, I bought a thin reflective band in order to surround the cone, but according to the geometric rules, if I use a rectangle sided band ontoon a cone, I will face some material gaps that I don't want to make it happened. AndAlso, the problem is that bands are sovery expensive here in Turkey.

How to repair and clean traffic cones?

we have got short, and tall traffic cones. Some of them are out of maintenance, and needed to be get repaired & cleaned. The two big problems are:

  1. How can I clean traffic cones?

  2. How can I repair traffic cone's white bands?

Seems like that:

traffic cones

As you can see three types of traffic cones, from left to right as defined 1, 2, and 3, number 1 is dirty, number two is both dirty and damaged, number three on the right is short and repaired temporarily.

dirty traffic cone

You can see the dirties contain oil, dust, e.t.c. needed to be cleaned. Which product should I use without harming plastic surface and it's colour.

repaired traffic cone

To be clear, I bought a thin reflective band in order to surround the cone, but according to the geometric rules, if I use a rectangle sided band onto a cone, I will face some material gaps that I don't want to make it happened. And the problem is that bands are so expensive here in Turkey.

How can I repair and clean traffic cones?

We have some short and tall traffic cones. Some of them are out of maintenance, and need to be repaired & cleaned. The two big questions are:

  1. How can I clean the traffic cones?

  2. How can I repair the traffic cone's white bands?

They look like this:

traffic cones

As you can see, there are three types of traffic cones, from left to right as defined 1, 2, and 3. Number 1 is dirty; number 2 is both dirty and damaged; number 3 on the right is short and repaired temporarily.

dirty traffic cone

You can see the dirty cones contain oil, dust, etc. and need to be cleaned. Which product should I use without harming the plastic surface and it's colour?

repaired traffic cone

To be clear, I bought a thin reflective band in order to surround the cone, but according to the geometric rules, if I use a rectangle sided band on a cone, I will face some material gaps that I don't want. Also, the problem is that bands are very expensive here in Turkey.

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we have got short, and tall traffic cones. Some of them are out of maintenance, and needed to be get repaired & cleaned. The two big problems are:

1. How can I clean traffic cones?

2. How can I repair traffic cone's white bands?

  1. How can I clean traffic cones?

  2. How can I repair traffic cone's white bands?

Seems like that:

traffic conestraffic cones

As you can see three types of traffic cones, from left to right as defined 1, 2, and 3, number 1 is dirty, number two is both dirty and damaged, number three on the right is short and repaired temporarily.

dirty traffic conedirty traffic cone

You can see the dirties contain oil, dust, e.t.c. needed to be cleaned. Which product should I use without harming plastic surface and it's colour.

repaired traffic conerepaired traffic cone

To be clear, I bought a thin reflective band in order to surround the cone, but according to the geometric rules, if I use a rectangle sided band onto a cone, I will face some material gaps that I don't want to make it happened. And the problem is that bands are so expensive here in Turkey.

we have got short, and tall traffic cones. Some of them are out of maintenance, and needed to be get repaired & cleaned. The two big problems are:

1. How can I clean traffic cones?

2. How can I repair traffic cone's white bands?

Seems like that:

traffic cones

As you can see three types of traffic cones, from left to right as defined 1, 2, and 3, number 1 is dirty, number two is both dirty and damaged, number three on the right is short and repaired temporarily.

dirty traffic cone

You can see the dirties contain oil, dust, e.t.c. needed to be cleaned. Which product should I use without harming plastic surface and it's colour.

repaired traffic cone

To be clear, I bought a thin reflective band in order to surround the cone, but according to the geometric rules, if I use a rectangle sided band onto a cone, I will face some material gaps that I don't want to make it happened. And the problem is that bands are so expensive here in Turkey.

we have got short, and tall traffic cones. Some of them are out of maintenance, and needed to be get repaired & cleaned. The two big problems are:

  1. How can I clean traffic cones?

  2. How can I repair traffic cone's white bands?

Seems like that:

traffic cones

As you can see three types of traffic cones, from left to right as defined 1, 2, and 3, number 1 is dirty, number two is both dirty and damaged, number three on the right is short and repaired temporarily.

dirty traffic cone

You can see the dirties contain oil, dust, e.t.c. needed to be cleaned. Which product should I use without harming plastic surface and it's colour.

repaired traffic cone

To be clear, I bought a thin reflective band in order to surround the cone, but according to the geometric rules, if I use a rectangle sided band onto a cone, I will face some material gaps that I don't want to make it happened. And the problem is that bands are so expensive here in Turkey.

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