Every morning when my alarm clock wakes me up, I need very badly to use the snooze function which turns off the alarm for some minutes and starts it again. This costs me 10-40 minutes every morning...
It doesn't matter how long I sleep. I just can't resist using it, but I'd rather like to get up on the first alarm or at least after the first snooze. I tried to simply not use it, but it failed and I fell asleep and slept too long.
The problem isn't that big when I get up at around noon. I don't like to get up early in the morning, but I have to. The sleeping duration also doesn't matter a lot. If I set my clock to 7 am after 8 hours of sleep it's much harder than 11 am after 8 hours of sleep. This also doesn't change when I permanently sleep from 11 pm to 7 am.
Is there a good way to get rid of this habit?
Just to clarify: I'm looking for any method. May it be some physical hack (like using puzzle alarms or placing the clock unreachable from bed) or a mental/non-physical one(setting up an urgent ToDo right after the alarm goes). I write this because someone voted to close the question because it's off-topic (reason: it's a brain hack question).
Update (about answers): Thanks for the many good answers for now. A lot of them will help different types of people. The best for me so far are:
setup a situation where I urgently need to stand up and stay awake.
practicing/conditioning by repeating the go to bed and stand up on alarm-algorithm (Blog post from comments)