Parcel Tape.
Most homes have a roll of parcel tape in a drawer somewhere. Take a length of tape about 5 or 6 inches long, hold one end in each hand, then repeatedly press the tape onto the affected cloth.
The tape is sticky enough to pick up the pieces of paper, yet not too sticky that it lifts the cloth too.
After using the tape half a dozen times, replace it with a new piece and continue.
Other types of tape aren't as good. Sellotape / Scotch tape is too narrow - it takes for ever to work your way over the clothing. Gaffer tape is too sticky - it will either leave a sticky residue on the cloth or will pull the fibres up and damage them.
Parcel tape has the right degree of stickyness and, being 2 or 3 inches wide, a convenient size.
This also works to get the tissue paper off the rubber door seal of your washing machine.