Frameshift: You want to boil an egg easily, so your first instinct is the microwave. Instead may I recommend an even easier way, the rice cooker!
Put a half cup of water in the bottom of the cooker and place as many eggs as you want in the plastic basket that comes with it. Then press "steam" for 12-15 minutes. Your eggs are done!
I've recently discovered rice cooker cooking and it's made everything so much easier. The rice cooker maintains boiling water at the perfect temperature so you don't have to stand over the stove watching it to make sure the water doesn't boil over. Instead, you press a couple buttons and then relax. I use the steamer basket to cook all sorts of things like frozen fish (no dethawing needed) to frozen veggies, not to mention putting rice and grains in the bottom part and you have an complete meal just like that.
I think anyone who's impressed by the convenience of the microwave, should add a rice cooker to their kitchen.