I recently moved into a shared house with 3 other roommates (4 if you count the couple as 2 people) on the main floor. It's also close to a busy street. At night the noise sometimes disturbs me. Sources of noise:
- cars and trucks going by
- music from roommates (especially with loud base)
- roommates opening and closing doors
- people using the bathroom (my bedroom is right beside it)
Things I've tried:
- closing window
- ear plugs (I find they fall out while I sleep)
- turning on air purifier (makes noise similar to fan)
- app on my phone for white noise
- going to bed earlier
My roommates have approximately the same schedule, but one ends work at midnight. There's only one who plays music with speakers and I should probably talk to him about it but I don't want to upset him when I just moved in. Even on the lowest volume, trance music is still very difficult to sleep with.
EDIT: I'm open to suggestions for sources of white noise, for example I've been using an app on my phone but I find that the sound has too much variation and that I prefer very constant sound e.g. if it's rain noises it disturbs me if every 30 or 60 seconds they throw in thunder.
UPDATE: thankfully I moved out of this place.