I've owned a NordicTrack Exp 1000X treadmill for about 20 years and have never done the recommended maintenance, including belt lubrication. Now it's starting to squeal, so I'm hoping that better-late-than-never maintenance will help.
There are online videos covering how to lubricate the belt and do basic tightening and adjustment. However, there is fine dark dust under the belt, which I assume is tiny crumbs of dried out rubber from the belt. Just lubricating might create a paste of the powder plus silicone oil. I couldn't find anything online about how to clean out the space under the belt.
Is there a way to clean that before lubrication?
I've looked online, and they sell various "wands" that are claimed to clean while applying the oil, but they just look like colored plastic bars, with nothing special to remove dirt. I thought about trying to vacuum it, but there isn't enough clearance under the belt to get a vacuum nozzle in very far or at a useful angle. Another idea that came to mind was rolling a rag into a rope and coating it with something tacky, then sliding it back and forth under the belt. But I can't think of anything tacky that wouldn't leave unwanted deposits on the belt or bed. Another idea was blowing out the space with air from a blower or compressor, but how could I keep the debris contained?
Has anyone dealt with this issue and come up with a good solution?
Update: Several limitations on possible solutions.
- The treadmill needs to remain upright. It weighs a ton and is awkward. I have a back injury and don't want anyone else to get one trying to flip it on its side or uprighting it again.
- Anything that involves typical end-user maintenance, like minor adjustments or removing covers is fine. But disassembly isn't something I'm prepared to handle. So adjusting a roller to gain a gap under the belt is fine, but not removing the belt.