In the so called gallery apartment of my friend the hot and bad air accumulates in the upper area in which the bed room is located. The gallery bed room is stacked on top of the bath room and has no inner walls. Unfortunately there is only one window on the ground floor.
Opening the window and the main door helps to ventilate the ground floor but the fresh air doesn’t exchange with the air in the upper area of apartment.
Ground area
| / door
/ window door ————————-|
| | bath |
| Stairs~| room |
Upper area (no floor in between)
| : bed |
| : room |
| : |
| Stairs~ : |
| Wall
: Edge of bedroom floor (no wall)
I tried to put a tower fan in the bedroom but that doesn’t help much. Should I rather try to blow air from the window side in an upwards direction towards the bedroom? Or should I try to blow air from the bedroom towards the window?
How can I fix the air flow to ventilate the bed room? It’s mostly about air quality rather than temperature. Even there is a clear difference in temperature.
Installing a ceiling fan is not an option.