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5 votes

How to carry eggs without egg tray or egg carton?

One of the old classic methods used sawdust (dry sand also works): put a layer of sawdust in a (wood) box, nest some eggs into it (well separated from either other and the side/bottom of the box). ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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2 votes

How to remove a hard boiled egg's shell quickly, by hand, without damaging the egg?

The freshest eggs are the hardest to peel, but when I got my 2 pet chickens I learned how to peel even soft boiled eggs that are fresh out of the chicken. Since it isn't necessary to refrigerate newly ...
Linda S's user avatar
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1 vote

How to remove a hard boiled egg's shell quickly, by hand, without damaging the egg?

I know the original question was about hard-boiled eggs. Now, I don't eat hard-boiled eggs, but I do often eat soft-boiled eggs. I don't have any proof that my method works for hard, but it definitely ...
Allen Kim's user avatar

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