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BrettFromLA's user avatar
BrettFromLA's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
64 votes

Finding a gold ring lost in the lawn

36 votes

Finding a gold ring lost in the lawn

36 votes

Quick and dirty substitute for cream in coffee?

15 votes

How to open a beverage can that has a broken tab?

14 votes

How to mark beverage cans in a cooler for a blind person?

13 votes

How to apply sunscreen to my back

11 votes

Best way to fold a shirt for a lazy bachelor

11 votes

How to keep track of how many uses a razor blade has left

11 votes

What to do with old contacts on phone that aren't used anymore?

11 votes

How to wash a sieve?

11 votes

How to save the water wasted while waiting for the shower to heat up?

10 votes

Remove string from vintage caster wheels

10 votes

How do I extract a small object from a vacuum cleaner bag?

9 votes

Cable organisation when travelling

9 votes

How to break an egg without making noise?

9 votes

Keeping used/dirty clothes in suitcase

9 votes

What can I buy cheaply that is dense enough to hold this down?

9 votes

Keeping the spoon on the surface of a sucralose container

9 votes

How not to lose too much warmth while leaving the door open

8 votes

How to retrieve item from storm drain?

8 votes

How to not lose an oversized ring?

8 votes

How to get gum off of clothes

7 votes

How to have cross ventilation in a single window room?

7 votes

How can I get food unstuck from my teeth while at work?

7 votes

Dispose of sensitive paperwork

7 votes

How can one remove burned food from the inside of a pot?

7 votes

How can I shower without a towel?

7 votes

Trick to measure the size of a mattress

7 votes

How to differentiate glass from plastic?

7 votes

How to destroy personal information on courier package containers?

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